"I will be found by you, says YHWH, and I will bring you back from your captivity;."
Jeremiah 29:14
Our Mission
To help develop the mental and physical health, economic growth, and spiritual awareness of all descendants of the transatlantic slave trade around the world.
What we believe
We believe descendants of the transatlantic slave trade are misled, miseducated, oppressed, and systemically attacked daily. Public castration and humiliation are tools used even to this day to assail our most prominent and robust figures.
What we know
We know descendants of the transatlantic slave trade can trace their lineage back to ancient Judah and the Hebrews who resided in the land of Canaan Pre the siege of Jerusalem in 70 AD. According to the Torah, DNA evidence and historical events.
What we do
We work towards uniting transatlantic descendants across North America. We estimate nearly 91 Million descendants are in the Americas and Caribbean islands. Our mission is to bridge that gap between sub-communities within the scattered Hebrew world.