The common notion is the 400-year prophecy is only in Deuteronomy 28. That is false. If you read the bible correctly, you will notice it constantly repeats itself. The 400-year prophecy is not just in Deuteronomy. It's everywhere. Deuteronomy is just the most famous scripture used.
A scripture often overlooked is Genesis 15:13. Genesis 15:13 brings meaning to Isaiah 46:10, " Declaring the end from the beginning" For my pool players, YHWH called eight ball corner pocket in Genesis. The first book of the bible.
Most important is the timeline of the prophecy and how it aligns with history and current events. The first part of the prophecy, "afflict," speaks of slavery, Jim Crow, and The Modern-Day Troubles members of the African diaspora still face today. The timeline for that period was 1619-2019 (400 Years).
The second part focuses on the judgment of that nation. I believe it's not a coincidence that 2020 was the beginning of a series of world-shaking events. More importantly, I believe the events in Ukraine are of perfect timing to fulfill another co-existing prophecy 'the fall of great Babylon". The timeline for this period, we believe, is 2020-2027.
Tune in for part 2 of this blog.